Please call the clinic in case of extra charge, we apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused​

Why Every Day Should Be Family Health and Fitness Day

Did you know that in June, there is a holiday dedicated to getting healthy and exercising with your family? It is celebrated on June 11 and is known as Family Health and Fitness Day. Here at Camino Health Center (CHC), we fully support Family Health and Fitness Day and its purpose of keeping communities healthy … Read moreWhy Every Day Should Be Family Health and Fitness Day

Recipes of the Day

En Camino Health Center, priorizamos brindarle a la comunidad acceso a información sobre cómo comer de manera saludable y obtener los nutrientes que necesitan. Camino Vida, nuestro programa de bienestar y educación para la salud, trabaja intencionalmente para asegurarse de que sus pacientes mejoren sus dietas. Lo hacen ayudándolos a crear un plato balanceado en … Read moreRecipes of the Day

Camino Health Center website offers new amenities!

At Camino Health Center, we live out our mission of equipping people to live healthy lives every day. We do this through our four service areas which are, Camino Clinic, Camino Contigo (behavioral health services), Camino Vida (health and wellness program), and The Food Farmacy (food pantry). Recently, we revamped our website in an effort … Read moreCamino Health Center website offers new amenities!
